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Gaining Confidence with Nicole Bonecki

Gaining Confidence with Nicole Bonecki - Episode 90

Nicole Bonecki is an incredibly inspiring person. She has gone through some amazing ups, and also some horrible lows, but she continues to remain positive. She exudes confidence from the moment she walks into the room. She works with parents and their kids to help them have a strong, positive connection. It has taken Nicole a long time to get to her level of self-confidence, and it is still something she works on. But she is ready to share how she built her confidence in hopes you can gain confidence and be confident in you!

When Nicole was growing up her parents were divorced and she lived with her mom. Due to her mom’s work she had moved thirty-six times before she turned eighteen, so she was constantly meeting new people. Not only did she have the stress of moving often, she had some horrible traumatic events happen. When she was five years old Nicole was molested by one of the adults who her mom had asked to watch her while she was at work. She shut down and tried some therapy. Then again when she was eleven, they were at a church and the same thing happened. That time she told her mom because she thought that she was old enough to have a voice. However, she was not heard no matter what she did or said to anyone. Nicole joined the military but when within the first four months she was raped. She is still fighting that case today because the military destroyed the records. 

She got out of the military, had her daughter, and got married. She had two boys with her husband, but she left him because of domestic abuse to her eleven-year-old. This left her homeless and lived with a friend for a little while. Nicole started using cage fighting as an escape and a way to let out her emotions because she didn’t want to go to therapy. That is when she started building her confidence even though she kept getting beat up and was constantly sore. She kept going and training because she wanted to get better, she knew that she will win a fight.

The week after her last fight, Nicole hit rock bottom. She was feeling overwhelmed by everything that had happened that year. Nicole wound up in in-patient again for suicide, and while going through treatment she had more of a spiritual awakening. She began to believe that she had a greater purpose. Now everyday she asks where she’s needed to achieve her purpose. The way you find your purpose is different for everybody. For Nicole, she had to hit rock bottom in order to figure it out. 

Believe it or not her confidence level had a huge boost when COVID hit. She found she had extra time when working from home so she started using the extra time to connect with other people and grow herself and her business. She began following her instincts of what to do to branch out in different areas and it hasn’t led her astray yet. Knowing that what she is doing is working and helping people is a huge confidence boost. She isn’t arguing with herself, she’s just going with what feels right. 

As you step into your purpose, you may lose people in your life. Nicole tries to think of it as she isn’t losing people in her life, they’re just being moved so that the right people can enter her life. She recognizes when people are being negative and when people are disrupting her energy and she isn’t ready to help with it. 

Nicole started facing her fears, starting with the ocean. After a few times of pushing herself to face that fear something clicked within her. She knew that she could do anything she set her mind to. The biggest tip that Nicole has to help you live your life to the max is run toward fear. Once you realize that a lot of your fears are irrational you can do anything. Make the small leaps and jumps to push past things that you are afraid off, that is the best way to boost your confidence. 

If you want to connect with Nicole, you can find her on Facebook and Instagram as Nicole Bonecki, and you can email her at pagetostage@gmail.com. I would love to hear what you think about Gaining Confidence! Send me a message on social media @Jonesinfor or send me an email at spencer@spencermjones.com.