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5 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence

5 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence - Episode 61

If you want to make a difference and make the most out of life, you need to have the self-confidence to do it. It can be hard; we all struggle with self-confidence at some point in our life! Personally, I feel like I’m a very happy and positive guy and I try my best to show that I’m very self-confident but honestly, I struggle with it too. I have improved over the years and I’ve learned many tools on how to overcome self-doubt. In today’s episode I share those tools with you!

The first way to boost your self-confidence is to stop comparing yourself to others. There are so many times in our lives when we see someone that seems to be doing much better than we are, and we look down on ourselves because we aren’t where they are. This KILLS self-confidence. There isn’t a competition going on between you and everyone around you. So stop comparing yourself to them. The only thing you need to compare is where you are now versus where you were in the past. For example, with my own workouts, I’m not competing with whoever is working out next to me, or the person on the workout video. The only comparison I need to make is between myself doing the workout now, and last time I did the workout. You also need to forgive yourself. If you aren’t doing as well as you were last time, that’s ok, keep going! As long as you keep learning from your struggles, you will keep growing.

My second strategy is to do something to improve your body. This could be eating healthy foods, or working out, and just getting your heart rate up. When you raise your heart rate your body releases endorphins, which make you happy. By working to improve your body you are helping it to be healthier, function better, and live longer so that you can continue to chase your passions.

The next strategy is to challenge your self-talk, particularly your negative self-talk. I believe that the majority of our self-talk ends up being negative. When I’m experiencing one of my lows and I feel like crap. My negative self-talk is loud. In those moments I need to challenge myself and ask whether what I’m telling myself is really true. More times than not, it’s just my self-talk blowing something out of proportion. When you start to have negative self-talk, I suggest you challenge it. We all make mistakes in life, and that sucks! Forgive yourself for them, learn from that experience, and grow from it! You are better than the mistakes you’ve made because you have learned from them. Many times, your self-talk just blows things way out of proportion when in reality, they weren’t anything major.

My fourth strategy to boost your self-confidence is to dress for success! Dress in a way that makes you feel good about yourself! Personally, when I wear a suit, I feel great! I hold my head a little higher and I feel more confident, all just because of the way I dress. Are you dressing in a way that doesn’t make you feel good about yourself? In the moments when you know you need a boost of self-confidence, dress in a way that makes you feel good about yourself.

 My last strategy for boosting your self-confidence is to improve your posture. This may seem like a strange one but your posture is huge! Think of your favorite superhero, how do they stand? Are they hunched over or slouched in a chair? I doubt it. I’m guessing they’re standing tall with their head held high with an air of confidence. I call that a power pose. By standing in a power pose you will call every fiber of your being into being confident, like you have the world where you want it. Know that we can’t always hold our heads up high all the time. There will be times when we struggle, but we will get through those! Work through them and be confident that you will get through and be stronger because of it. If you need help overcoming those obstacles, check out some of our other shows that can help!

I would love to hear what you think about my 5 tips to boost your self-confidence! Please send me a message on social media at @Jonesinfor or email me at spencer@spencermjones.com.