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Taking Control of Your Life with Jeff Perdue Atkins

Taking Control of Your Life with Jeff Perdue Atkins - Episode 128

Do you run your life or does life run you? Itā€™s so easy to get sucked into the day to day routines, habits, and work that zap our energy and just have us go through the day like robots. While some of them may serve us, others may not. Itā€™s time to take control and be the captain of your own ship! In this episode of the Jonesinā€™ for Show, I chat with Jeff Perdue Atkins about how he has taken control of his life and how we can do the same! So letā€™s dive in!

As I mentioned, I have an amazing guest here joining me today to share some awesome insights of life, of how to live life, how to get the most out of it, and of course, how to live life to the max. That's what we want to do, that's what we are striving for! Our Guest, Jeff Perdue Atkins is going to share how he has done that for himself. He likes traveling and having fun out and about in the beautiful world.

The question is: What can you do to not be a number? We identify ourselves so much by what we do. ā€œIā€™m a teacher.ā€ ā€œIā€™m an engineer.ā€ Etc. etc. While thatā€™s great and you do those things you are more than those labels. For example, Iā€™m an igniter who ignites other peoples lights, help them find their passion, and live life to the max. Think bigger!

Many people get stuck not leaving a job or being loyal to a job because they feel they are always needed. Know that the feeling of being needed or being loved is natural and are part of life, but know that it doesnā€™t have to come from your job. It can come from your family, from friends, from your other commitments. You have priorities, your mission, and your movement. Thatā€™s important and we should find who we are in those among other things, not just our job.

For a lot of us, we may stay in a job that isnā€™t serving us. Itā€™s actually draining us, physically, emotionally, and mentally. Sometimes we just stay there because we think, at least it's a job. So we settle. When we settle on something that isnā€™t invigorating us, we're harming ourselves. We're not feeling energized or not feeling loved, and we're not living up to our full potential. Itā€™s slowing you down or even stopping you from being your full self, from living your life to the max!

Instead, be energized. Let's talk real quick about if we're in a job where we feel trapped in. We're not happy because we want to be out of it, but we're afraid to be out of it. We've settled. How can we get unsettled? How do we actually do that? What's the mindset? What are the things we need to do to actually change? All right, there's three things. There's three things that I think will change your life. You just understand this.

First one is who you are. Have a being statement. Know who you are.

The second one is to know your purpose.

And then three, what's your version of success? What does that look like to you?

Don't get bogged down by what you think society wants you to do. It's not necessarily what your friends say it is or what the TV says or however you perceive that. How do you truly in your heart of heart, in your soul of souls, know what you want, where you're going, and who you are. Do those things that light you up, that excite you. Take that time to ask yourself the questions and then write them down. Because it is going to lay the framework for you to lived an energized life!

Then take it one step at a time. You know the destination, figure out the pathway, and then start down the journey. If you don't know how to do something or want/need some guidance, seek out experts in the field. (I would suggest looking in the Jonesinā€™ for Academy because thatā€™s why we designed it. To help you on your journey.) Continue to learn, grow and chase your passions! Use your mission, purpose, and priorities to help guide you as you go forward. Take the leap of faith and step outside your comfort zone. You got this and know that we are here to support you on your journey!

I would love to know your thoughts on this episode of the Jonesinā€™ for Show! What was one of your biggest take-a-ways? Let me know by sending me a message on Instagram or Facebook at @Jonesinfor or email me at spencer@spencermjones.com. Until next time, keep living your life to the max!