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3 Ways to Gain Positivity

3 Strategies to Gain Positivity

Would you like more positivity in your life? If you said yes, then you found the perfect place! Below I discuss three different ways to gain more positivity. To be honest, it is nothing earth shattering, but done daily each activity will help you be more positive and see more positivity all around you. So why wait, let’s get into it!

Strategy #1 - Write a Gratefulness Log

What is a gratefulness log you ask? It’s essentially a short journal that you fill out daily. Each morning after you wake up but before you leave for work write down three things you are grateful for. Then at the end of the day, right before you go to bed write down 3 amazing things that happened. By doing this you are priming your brain to feel good and see the positive before your day even gets started. You are also bringing back the positive thoughts at the end of they day so you when you go to sleep you drift off to sleep with happy and positive thoughts.

Where can you get a gratefulness log? Well, I got ya covered. I created a log you can use if you like. You can find HERE or at the link below. Just enter your email address and I’ll send it your way! Otherwise you can feel free to create your own using a journal, a notepad, an app, or anything!

Get your Gratefulness Log HERE

Strategy #2 - Smile more

Smiling is such a simple and awesome way to gain positivity! When you smile, your body releases dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins. These chemicals help your muscles relax and slows down your heart rate. Along with that they just plain and simple make you feel good! Plus as humans we typically mirror the emotions and feelings of people around us. Think about it for a second. When you are around people who are frustrated and angry, you will notice that you start being short, seeing the negative side of life, and start feeling unhappy. The same goes for positivity, and smiling! When someone smiles at you, we generally smile back. So why not help others feel good and get the release of chemicals by smiling at them! It’s a win win situation!

Strategy #3 - Be Kind to others

It is simple I know, but be kind to others. Do random acts of kindness for them. Hold the door open, buy them a coffee, write them a kind note, do anything friendly. I personally love writing anonymous notes and giving them to people. Knowing that it makes them feel good and brings a smile to their face is such a wonderful feeling. Not only does it make me feel great, it spreads positivity to the people around me. Again, it’s another win win strategy!

There are many ways you can increase positivity in your life. In my opinion, these are just three excellent ways to do it! They are quite simple but when you put them together and do them all daily you will start to see changes quickly. What are some strategies you use to increase your positivity? Let me know in the comments!

If you wanted an extra boost of positivity in your life come and join my weekly JOLT of positivity team. Just CLICK HERE to join and every Monday, you will get an email with a tip, a trick, or ways to get a JOLT of positivity!